The boxer POTHOS “Monday” is the ideal place for you to start your work week on a full. Designed with comfort in mind the extra need at the end-of-the-week well-lived, this model ensures that you'll be able to start your week off full of vigour.
In the quarter-finals of the fairs are more than just a day? No more!!!Dare to feel the extra-ordinary with our boxers, “wednesday”, and spice up your day-to-day basis.
Some boxers, revealing to those who refuse to be ordinary.
Income, male, and rich, a boxer of accommodation.
On Saturday night, it's time to explore all of their senses to the fullest. These men's briefs in a transparent, embroidered, geometric, is a perfect equilibrium between sensuality, masculinity and boldness.
Perfect for an afternoon on the sofa with a company, or some other event that you know before hand that you will have a happy ending.